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Panchayati Raj Training Institute, Mashobra
The state of Himachal is divided into 12 Districts, 88 Blocks (81 Panchayat Samitis) and 3615 Gram Panchayats at present.The Panchayati Raj training Institute Mashobra has 4 districts full (i.e. Shimla, Solan, Sirmour and Kinnaur) and one Block (i.e Kaza) of district Lahaul-Spiti under its jurisdiction. Institute gives direct training to the elected representatives of Panchayati Raj Institutions e.g. Pradhans/Up-Pradhans of village(Gram) Panchayats, Member of intermediate Panchayats (Panchayat Samitis) and District Panchayats (Zila Parishads)etc. The Institute also imparts training to the officials serving PRIs. and of Panchayati Raj and Rural Development Department, like, Panchayat Inspectors,Auditors/Panchayat Sahayaks/Panchayat Secretaries etc.
Constitutional provisions related to Panchayati Raj, including history, 73rd amendments and Article 243. H.P. Panchayati Raj Act, 1994 and the following rules made their under:
H.P. Panchayati Raj (Elections) Rules, 1994.
H.P. Panchayati Raj (General) Rules, 1997.
H.P. Panchayati Raj (Budget, Finance,Accounts, Audit, Works), Rules, 2002.
Panchayati Raj Administration
Devolutions of powers to PRIs by different departments of the state.
Gram Panchayat Development Plan(GPDP)
Block Panchayat Development Plan(BPDP)
District Panchayat Develoment Plan (DPDP)
Localisation of Sustainable Development Goals(LSDGs)
District Planning Committee
Right to information Act,2005
Public Service Guarantee Act, 2011
Women Empowerment and gender issues.
Rural Development Schemes/Programmes of Govt. of India/State
Various Schemes of Rural Development Department.
Other schemes/programmes related Panchayats.
Information Technology (IT):
Basic Training Course on Computer Application
Advance Training Course on Computer Application
e-Panchayat Applications (PES Softwares of MoPR)
e-gramswaraj-PFMS- GeM Integration
Web based softwares developed by State PR & MoPR for Panchayats
Methodology of trainings
Lecture method.
Group Discussion/Brain Storming.
Case Studies.
Use of Audio Visual like Interactive Board/LCD projector/CBTs etc.
White board teaching and notes giving.
Role Play.
Fields Visits (if the norms of expenditure permits).